Contact The Better Prescott Homes Group
Ledgerwood & Stanley Group Office Location
Realty Executives Arizona Territory8100 E State Route 69
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Please call 928-237-6524 for any real estate needs.
Hours vary, as we are sometimes out with clients or managing a construction project. Please check with us before stopping by so that we can schedule your visit!
Phone numbers for our team can be found at the bottom of our site, but please feel free to submit a message via the Contact Us form, below. During normal business hours, we will usually respond within just a few minutes. We are typically at the office between 9am and 4pm weekdays, but always monitor our phones and the messages received by the website form (7am to 9pm all days of the week).
Phone numbers for our team can be found at the bottom of our site, but please feel free to submit a message via the Contact Us form, below. During normal business hours, we will usually respond within just a few minutes. We are typically at the office between 9am and 4pm weekdays, but always monitor our phones and the messages received by the website form (7am to 9pm all days of the week).

t: 928-237-6524
Marc Stanley | Licensed Realtor AZ
Realty Executives Arizona Territory
1401 Prescott Lakes Parkway, Prescott AZ 86301
Designated Broker: Jeff Murtaugh
Have Questions? Contact Us.